Whoops! Forgot to post in here yesterday!
So, while "Unkempt" (above) was really the only narrative piece I directed in Spring of '16 (I also DP'd and AD'd a few other projects, some of which I may post down the line if I run out of other content), we were once again expected to keep a video journal, and to cut a one minute video at the end of the semester using footage from that journal.
This time, the assignment was to take our one minute video and present it with three different audio options: silent, accompanied by a piece of music, and accompanied by a soundscape of our own creation.
The piece I made for this was called "Deeply Shallow," in part because most of the video journal stuff I'd done that semester had been playing with shallow depth of field, and in part to take a self-deprecating jab at the kind of empty, pretentious enactment of art that I felt I was creating. Not sure if anyone got the joke.
Oh, also, this is one of the handful of videos I've made for school tat incoporate a few of my kaiju toys. Keep an eye out for Rodan, Angilas, and a couple of different incarnations of Godzilla.
Anyway, here are the three versions.
DEEPLY SHALLOW w soundscape
Tokyo, a smoldering memorial to the unknown, an unknown which at this very moment still prevails and could at any time lash out with its terrible destruction anywhere else in the world.