by Kailem » Tue Jul 23, 2024 4:52 am
Yeah it's a surprise that this set is actually seeing a western release, though the lack of subs for the extras all but confirms we won't be getting any of those special features on whatever standard version(s) eventually come out. I also found it funny how the official English-language Godzilla Twitter account was making a point of this set being region-free, and thus viewable on players all over the world, when the only place that's selling it doesn't do international shipping; not even to Canada.
I'd certainly have ordered it if I could, even with no subs on the extras, but as it stands I'm continuing to wait for a UK or region-free US/Australian versions to be announced.
"Absorb what is useful, discard what is not, add what is uniquely your own"
- Bruce Lee