Welcome to everyone thinking of joining our Monster Zero/Sci-Fi Japan community forums. As of today, we have over 1800 members posting in 10 categories and over 30 forums.
In order to provide a more spam- and flame- free environment we've turned on verified user registration, meaning:
1) Anyone who signs up will have their registration reviewed by an administrator before they can log in, and
2) You cannot post on the board until the admin has granted you permission.
***Please read the following important info prior to registering as it will insure your account is activated in a more prompt manner****
1) Fill in your profile!!!
We get a TON of spammer and bot registrations. A user name and e-mail tells us nothing about you. This is a community; we're friendly and fun. Fill in your profile with personal info, add a signature pic or tag-line, and show us you're a real person. That goes a long way to telling us you're someone who wants to join us for fun and not another Viagra spammer...
2) E-mail if you haven't been activated in 72 hours.
No offense but this isn't our full time job. Sometimes a few days goes by before we can review and approve memberships. If 3 business days have gone by and you haven't received your activation e-mail, a polite e-mail to forum@scifijapan.com will help us give your request immediate attention. PLEASE NOTE that you need to wait 3 business days and send a POLITE e-mail. Patience is a virtue.
We look forward to seeing your request to join the boards, and hope you find your stay a pleasant one. Please contact the admins if you've any questions.
Jim (Board Admin), Richard (Board Admin), and Gene (Chief Cook and Bottle Washer)